survey questions: please answer with number of question you are answering.also try to be as concise as possible so data entry will be simple
1. A masked librarian sneaks into your home with a tape measure. How many feet of books does he discover_______?(e.g. how many shelves/stacks and how long)
2. I organize my books by (please describe how you order your books).
3. I keep (your best guess) ____ % of my books on shelves; ____% in stacks or piles; ___ % at my bedside. ____ % on back of toilet. Other (please describe).
4. Everyone has this book, and I also have this book: __________________.
5. One book in my collection embarrasses me; it is ____________________.
6. A cultural anthropologist breaks into your home and discretely observes your
reading habits; she discovers that you read ______ minutes a day.
7. I read ____ pages before I get distracted, bored, hungry, or sleepy.
8. You are guilty of not reading—what are you doing instead? ___________________.
How much daily time do you spend doing that guilty thing? _____ minutes.
9. What percentage of your books have you read? _______ %
10. Someone is burning your books! You have time to save one book. This book is __________________.
Do you want to participate in a walking tour of hidden home libraries, and show your library to people you don’t know (yet), please CHECK _____YES or ______NO.
If yes, please give contact information, only used to organize walking tours.
Address & cross street: